8-BIT MCU, N80C198, N80C198-16
8-BIT MCU, PLCC-52 PACKAGE, Y ROMLESS Y 232 Byte Register File Y Register-to-Register Architecture Y 28 Interrupt Sources/16 Vectors Y 1.75 ms 16 x 16 Multiply (16 MHz) Y 3.0 ms 32/16 Divide (16 MHz) Y Powerdown and Idle Modes Y 16-Bit Watchdog Timer Y 8-Bit External Bus Y 16 MHz Standard Y Full Duplex Serial Port Y High Speed I/O Subsystem Y 16-Bit Timer Y 16-Bit Counter Y Pulse-Width-Modulated Output Y Four 16-Bit Software Timers Y 10-Bit A/D Converter with Sample/Hold Y Extended Temperature Available